Thanks for being part of The Crime Lab! We've designed The Knife Edge, The Crime Lab's magazine which includes what immersive online events are coming up, what topics we will be covering, exciting event updates and what FREE events we are offering!
Download the first edition of The Knife Edge #1 by clicking on the magazine below!
Exciting News Update!

The Crime Lab are proud to present our first online, virtual summit! Save the date for Saturday, 14th November 2020!
The Crime Scene Investigation Summit 2020
The Crime Scene Investigation Virtual Summit will be an immersive day event filled with a whole host of interesting topics, engaging talks, activities and lots more!
This digital event will be hosted online, meaning you can immerse yourself from the comfort of your own home. We have interest already from all over the globe.
Some of the events on the day include the following...
Crime Scene Investigation - what is it?
Fingerprinting Masterclass
Ballistics, Guns & Bullets
Blood Spatter Pattern Analysis
Advances in DNA
Contact Trace Evidence
Real Cases solved by outstanding Crime Scene Investigation
PhotoFit competition
"Killed", A full, interactive Crime Scene Investigation Experience
All designed and delivered by Ex-Scotland Yard Detectives!
The event will be supported by CSI materials will you will receive to your door prior to the event!
Further information on tickets and timings will be released over the coming weeks! We will be emailing out further information on this, however, we recommend you follow us on social media to make sure you are the most up to date. You can find our Facebook Page here!
Want to find out more? More information can be found in The Knife Edge #1.