Resources & Blog
Start exploring the resources and blogs with The Crime Lab! From videos to educational whitepapers, we hope you enjoy everything we write about.
Offender Profiling DIY Kit
Criminal & Forensic Psychology Enrichment/Master Classes
Serial Killer IQ-The Truth
World's Worst Murderers
Inside The Mind of Lucy Letby-Live 25.8.2023
Inside The Mind of Adolf Hitler- a 4-Hour Experience
Criminal Science Summer School 2023
Dining With A Detective-The Dark Side of Serial Killers
Steve Gaskin-Tutor at the Metropolitan Police Detective Training School-London
A Big Hello From The Crime Lab
Inside The Mind of Adolf Hitler- a 4 Hour Experience
50 online True Crime Experiences and Counting!
The Big Crime Quiz 2021
Killer Couples
Wayne Couzens- A disgraced Metropolitan Police Officer
Wayne Couzens- A Former disgraced police officer
Poisoning - The Hidden Killer
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